In the year 2000, the WHO (World Health Organisation) published the report called The Right to Healthy Indoor Air, in which it recognised the importance of healthy air in enclosed environments as a basic human right. Italy has worked over the subsequent years to guarantee application of the Regional Priority Goal3-Rpg-3, according to which specific initiatives must be adopted by 2020 to ensure that everyone lives in a healthy indoor environment.
The European Union has focused considerable attention on these issues and international regulations on control of emissions have been introduced, including regulations on emissions from furniture, walls, paints and floors.
Why do VALPAINT paints ensure you breathe cleaner air?
One of the most important certificates we are currently obtaining is Class A+, which indicates the lowest envisaged level of indoor emissions of harmful substances, such as toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, etc.
The majority of our products already have A+ certification and have the lowest level of pollutant emissions envisaged by ISO 16000.
In practice, A+ indicates the quantity of volatile substances emitted into the air, on a scale of classes ranging from A+ (extremely low emissions) to C (high emissions). The pollutant levels are measured twenty-eight days after the product is applied.
Living in an environment where the air is purer means living better and therefore having a healthier life. Indoor pollution is, in fact, much more harmful than outdoor pollution.
An extremely small number of companies have obtained this certification. VALPAINT is one of them!
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