Discover the beauty of Klondike Corten, the rust-effect paint for indoors and outdoors from Valpaint: an exclusive product that will elevate any design solution!
Corten-effect paint: the rusty-hued covering that architects and designers have all fallen for
It has a rich autumnal feel but doesn't “age” in summer.
It is warm and inviting.
It has a subtle beauty to it. And it is elegant too.
Call it rust if you will.
One thing is for sure - that fusion of flame orange, red and tawny brown with bronze or roseate overtones has captivated everyone whether they work in fashion, graphics, interior décor or design.
Indeed, over recent years even the wall-coverings sector has produced a slew of rust-effect paints for outdoors and indoors.
Corten-effect wall paint: where did the concept for the texture come from?
Corten-effect wall paint came about because architects and designers wanted to imitate the appearance of Corten steel, but in a simpler more affordable version.
Corten or weathering steel is a fascinating material and it has often been said to be “paradoxical in nature”:
• it is highly resilient, withstanding the forces of corrosion and weather conditions; it naturally forms a film of rust, but the oxidation process stops once the protective patina has developed, preventing further deterioration and keeping it smooth beneath the surface;
• it has a distinctive hue. The colours generated by surface oxidation are warm and rich and its unusual “rusty rugged appeal” give rise to a host of aesthetic solutions, also contributing to a lived-in look. Its particular kind of attractiveness lends itself well to buildings and monumental sculptures outdoors.
Cor-ten: some background...
Cor-Ten (a portmanteau of the words CORrosion resistance + TENsile strength) was patented in 1933 by an American company called the United States Steel Corporation (to become Arcelor-Mittal in 2003) as a hardened self-passivating low-alloy steel able to form a patina.
Research activities began in the early ‘60s and it was first used for architectural applications in 1964 by the architect Eero Saarinen on the John Deere World Headquarters in Illinois.
Being endowed with unique physical and mechanical properties as well as an attractive tawny colour, Corten steel lends itself to a wide range of situations:
• in urban areas, it allows design objects to blend with the background, contributing to a creative melding of art, history and architecture;
• in the outdoor sector and for street furniture, this material serves a functional purpose whilst enhancing the overall aesthetic of the surrounds.
Klondike Corten: the Corten-effect wall paint from VALPAINT
The spell that Corten steel has cast over both designers and architects has caused companies to focus their attention on this product and step up research into it.
VALPAINT, an Italian company and market leader in the sector of paint-and-decorative-coating manufacture, has carried out in-depth research into Corten as a material and come up with Klondike Corten. This rust-effect paint offers the same aesthetic and performance standards as steel.
VALPAINT has created two versions of the Corten-effect paint - they have comparable features but they perform to slightly different levels: Klondike Corten MID and Klondike Corten TOP.
Klondike Corten is a wall coating with a distinctive metal oxidised surface and a brownish hue which accurately reproduces the aesthetic impact of the original.
Depending on how it is applied, the Corten effect of the paint can have two different textures:
• “dripped effect” which mimics the trickled look commonly found on slabs that weather has caused to deteriorate;
• “brushed effect” where the paint has a more even appearance.
Klondike Corten: all the beauty of rust-effect paint for outdoor use
Like the material it references, Klondike Corten really shines when it is used outside.
Composed of ceramic microspheres and siloxanic components, it creates a classic “lotus effect”: when drops of rainwater strike the paint, they just roll off the surface and run away.
This means that the dust particles which have accumulated on the top layer are “naturally washed away”.
Corten-effect wall paint for indoors
With its distinctive appearance, the Klondike Corten-effect paint must not only be confined to outdoor use, but should also be employed indoors where it will look as if it naturally belongs, especially for certain interior-décor styles which it will instantly enhance.
What makes Klondike Corten an especially appealing product is a combination of its mechanical properties (high levels of product performance) and a series of uncommon advantages.
Some of these benefits are listed below:
• as a product, it is very easy to work with and, being a wall coating, it is much more straightforward to handle than the original it is based on;
• moving the material around building sites or workshops is significantly less risky than having to shift heavy steel slabs;
• it is much more affordable than original Cor-Ten steel;
• its appearance can be changed and it can be covered with something else whenever you want if it becomes necessary without actually having to remove it.
The Corten-effect paint that VALPAINT has come up with is an outstanding combination of performance standards and aesthetic qualities. This material is bound to exceed customer expectations, even meeting demands for an aggressive look and delivering design solutions that are sure to please and amaze.
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