Matt or glossy?
In the interior design sector, for years this was a decisive question.
Which to prefer between glossy finishes, often extremely glossy, which add a refined and timeless dimension to spaces, and “textured” finishes, which convey a feeling of calmness and tranquillity with their combined tactile and visual effects?
Each era has its own preferences. Whereas for years glossy finishes have signified elegance and quality, in the last decade the trend has reversed in favour of velvet-like matt “coats”, which embody a new idea of refinement and contemporary style with their glazed patina that often desaturates the colours and removes vitrification on everyday objects such as cars and interiors.
The advent of matt and its applications in special modern paints
This glossy-matt switch has also involved modern interior paints.
Dusty, soft and super-matt colours are the new key elements of projects in which, alongside carefully studied chromatic choices, they have started amalgamating to create a balance that conveys tranquillity and well-being in the setting.
The trend does not only involve modern paints for living rooms and bedrooms, but also the bathroom environment.
These environments are becoming increasingly contaminated by trends veering towards matt finishes, not only for sanitary ware and furnishing accessories, but also, and above all, for surface finishes on both floors and walls.
Textured finishes are thus the key elements of the new painting techniques for interiors, both for traditional finishes but also water-repellent surfaces such as resins and micro-cement effects (examples include VALPAINT E-VOLUTION and VALPAINT I-BETON.
VALPAINT, a leading Italian company in the production of decorative paints, boasts an extensive range that includes several matt finishes. Let’s discover some of them.
Paint for interiors with sand-blasted effect: SABULADOR SOFT Matt VALPAINT
SABULADOR SOFT Matt is a water-based decorative paint for interiors characterised by shiny sand reflections bestowing a highly original effect.
This special paint for interiors emphasises surfaces with an irregular pattern which the matt finish makes even more modern and up-to-date. The environments convey an elegant impression which enhances the feeling of comfort inside the decorated spaces.
Besides these aesthetic properties, the product possesses extremely refined technical characteristics. SABULADOR SOFT Matt is a decorative paint that is:
• breathable
• washable
• suitable for being coated over with any water-based paint
Lastly, the nuances proposed by VALPAINT have been carefully selected on the basis of the latest trends for interior paints.
METEORE 10 INTONACO VALPAINT and paints for interiors with stone effect
Refined and contemporary, METEORE 10 INTONACO is a water-based natural coating designed to reproduce the effect of plaster in its many variants.
Thanks to its special composition, this paint for interiors can also be used for outdoor surfaces and not only for decorating the building interiors. It is easy to work and has a distinctly natural connotation. Thanks to these aspects, various matt aesthetic effects can be obtained.
These aesthetic effects create surfaces with different textures and tactile perceptions, united by a common thread which defines them as a matt finish.
The variants that VALPAINT proposes for METEORE 10 INTONACO include:
• Venetian plaster effect
• Venetian plaster effect with scales
• Render-set effect
• Brushed plaster effect
Each of these finishes can provide the necessary inspiration for creating modern environments with a highly contemporary connotation, featuring the matt finish as their distinctive characteristic.
The selection of the nuances also helps to further enhance the material’s natural perception but also its “matt essence”, almost as if the colours must be perceived as “dusty”.
Discover a few application examples of METEORE 10 CEMENTO in the following articles:
• “Cement-effect paint in an urban-industrial style”
• “Cement-effect wall paint: how to create interior-design solutions with an industrial style”
Wall paint with special effects: VALRENNA VALPAINT
When we talk about special paints for interiors we cannot overlook VALRENNA by VALPAINT, the water-based decorative paint that, by its very nature, embodies the concept of “tactility” to the fullest.
Its surface finish is characterised by a special tactile softness, which is so delicate that it resembles buckskin. The combination between tactile perception and delicate matt nuances yields elegant environments that are never pretentious and commonplace, revealing a bold modern character.
Precisely for these properties, VALRENNA is highly appreciated for decorating furnishing accessories (flush doors, niched cabinets and other design elements, etc.), besides wall surfaces.
POLISTOF: the special paint for interiors with a fabric-like quality
Unique among its kind, POLISTOF is a polychrome paint that blurs the boundaries between paint and fabric.
A historical VALPAINT product, this wall paint with special effects is a flexible product that can be used in both contemporary environments and in more classical settings. Cherished by architects and designers precisely for its ability to enhance surfaces with great aesthetic value, it boasts properties that can turn it into an actual furnishing accessory.
VALPAINT proposes this decorative paint in two versions:
• one with a decidedly matt finish (link) that offers unique tactile sensations;
• another with a more luminescent finish (link), thanks to a composition containing special micro-crystals that enhance the product’s brightness. The end result is decidedly refined and reveals a fabric-like quality.
The product’s application methods are also unmistakeably associated with fabric (the finishing textures that can be obtained are called “Velvety Fabric Effect”).
Lastly, besides possessing these exceptional aesthetic properties created by means of advanced technologies, POLISTOF is also safe, resistant and washable.
For more in-depth information on the characteristics of this special paint for interiors, read “Fabric-Effect wall paint: all the features of POLISTOF”.
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