How do you achieve a stone-effect wall? Here are the decorative effects you need!
More often than not real elegance is to be found in sheer simplicity. In spaces stripped of perfection and restored to nature.
Architects and interior designers have been increasingly interested in natural materials for some years now, wood and stone being their primary focus. Stone has gained a particularly strong following amongst home experts, positioning itself as a refined solution able to transform settings with an exclusive vibe and versatile aesthetic.
The decorative paint sector has also understandably fallen for this gorgeous natural material and its immense design potential. This has led to the creation of stone-effect paints and, in turn, surfaces that you “just can’t resist running your hand across”; walls that allow us to indulge our sense of touch and enjoy tactile pleasures that the modern technological world has robbed us of.
Is this a return to our roots when stone was chosen for imposing structures due to its strength and majesty? No doubt about that. But, there is a bit more to it than that. In truth, stone-effect paint taps into the irresistible allure of the natural world, yet it also emanates a vintage vibe, sealing a sophisticated look and making for a setting that transcends time. It lends itself to startling contrasts which intrigue the eye, soothe the senses and usher in contemporary cool.
How do you achieve a stone effect? VALPAINT decorative paints
VALPAINT has a series of stone-effect wall paints within its collection which offer an outstanding aesthetic result and an exclusive feel.
These include:
1) METEORE 10 MARMORIZZATO: the marble-effect paint
METEORE 10 MARMORIZZATO is a stone-effect paint which mimics a marble surface. It has a tactile quality as well as an amazing ability to catch the light.
When even the smallest glimmer of light falls on the veining, this enhances the nuancing and causes an optical effect with a surface that virtually “reverberates” with beauty. But that's not all. As with most things, the hand and eye of the decorator are a fundamental ingredient and projects can be personalised in terms of colour, patterning and design.
To find out more, read: Marble-effect paint: a decorative effect that bespeaks the living beauty of nature
2) A stone effect: ROCOCÒ TRAVERTINO paint
ROCOCÒ TRAVERTINO is a stone-effect paint for both indoors and outdoors. It imitates a travertine slab, highlighting the exquisitely natural veining.
It is perfect for restoring the façades of historical buildings, but is equally useful for indoor settings because its elegant appearance is an ideal foil to a whole variety of interior-décor styles.
3) VALPAINT E-VOLUTION marble-effect paint
How about a shower with marble-effect walls? VALPAINT E-VOLUTION!
This is a marble-effect decorative paint with mechanical and chemical properties that make it moisture-repellent and water-resistant.
What this means is that VALPAINT E-VOLUTION is a stone-effect decorative system that can be easily applied to tiling on the walls and floors of bathrooms, shower-cabin interiors and certain areas of the kitchen, without any need to remove the material that lies underneath.
VALPAINT’s stone-effect paints were designed to reproduce the exquisite beauty of natural stone, preserving its unequalled allure. Their technical features, aesthetic qualities, wide colour range and workability make them an absolute essential for any interior-design project that intends to centre on tactile appeal and the primordial power of nature.
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