The keynotes of the project VALPAINT INNOVATION & DESIGN – Think like an Artist are colour, texture and matter.
The aim of this ambitious project designed and developed by VALPAINT is to translate decorative paint into an artistic language and encourage decorators to venture from their comfort zone and seek out new forms of artistic expressions.
The VALPAINT INNOVATION & DESIGN – Think like an Artist project
The project has been organised into several action areas: communication, graphical representation and, most importantly, the training scheme.
Actually, the training scheme is the crux of the whole project. Its objective is to pass on knowledge and a series of techniques that serve for customised decorative painting and is suited to decorators who want to branch out into this field.
An account of the course held for painters and decorators
The training scheme, which only ended a few weeks ago, was attended by a large group of keen decorators who saw the course through to the end with immense enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed this foray into the world of personalised decoration.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the sessions had to be virtual; however, a variety of different topics were covered, and themes relating to decoration in general, and artistic decoration in particular, were explored.
• The first session examined the concept of colour, texture and light - vital considerations for this kind of decoration - and the participants showed considerable interest.
• During subsequent sessions, techniques were discussed and course participants were walked through various personalised-decoration techniques. These sessions did not only look at techniques, but also explained materials, tools and the use of colour as well as revealing a few small trade secrets that shed light on how works of art are achieved.
• In the following session a practical example was provided in the form of a mock-up: the students learnt how to add a new artistic decoration to a given setting. This session tackled several different themes, but especially focused on how essential it is to plan “decorative artistic painting” to make sure that it chimes with its surrounds.
The outcome of the training scheme
At the end of the course, the participants were asked to choose one of the four works in the book VALPAINT INNOVATION & DESIGN - Think like an Artist, in order to reproduce it, give it their own personal slant or simply use it as a basis for inspiration.
The results were amazing!
The participants had really taken on board all the information and suggestions. The students’ achievements were borne witness to by the work that was sent into the company. Regardless of whether a work was based on the original closely or loosely, all the pieces feature visually striking colours, textures and painting techniques.
Each one of the decorators had obviously assimilated the notions explained throughout the sessions and had infused their work with their own personal stamp and individual flair.
This project started out as a very ambitious scheme, and it definitely has given anyone wanting to break out of the box an exciting opportunity to experiment with new concepts and explore new style parameters and decorative solutions; an approach that will keep them one step ahead because the interior-design is becoming increasingly fascinated with decorative effects like this.
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