The word Venetian plaster immediately brings to mind the walls of the spectacular staircase of the Doge’s Palace in Venice. Perhaps this is where the art of Polished Venetian Plaster reached an apogee.
Yet, if we go back in time to look closely at this decorative technique, we will realise that plastering was a highly practical solution and a routine practice on building sites in ancient days. It was an art that used to be passed down “from father to son” and the next generation would learn the necessary manual skills and knowledge from those that came before. But it was also a custom that tended to be steeped with the character of the people that used it.
From Iran to Mesopotamia and from Malta to Crete, each culture has influenced the art of Venetian plaster with its own taste, adapting it to the architectural style of the time (in terms of colour and chosen designs, etc...). Even the mixture was subject to variation according to the “raw” materials available in a given geographical area and the pigments for colouring. However, its distinctive “application” technique and the original blend (lime putty blended with marble or stone dust) remained unchanged over time.
This brief historical note will help us to appreciate the value of modern Venetian plaster. It is not only a majestic-looking decorative paint, it is also a highly functional and practical product.
So, here are 4 reasons why you should cover your walls with Venetian plaster.
When you use Venetian plaster to decorate your home, you can work on a panoply of totally different surfaces, from traditional masonry walls (provided that the base is smooth and clean) to plasterboard and wooden walls.
As a wall paint, Venetian plaster is:
• breathable: being a lime-based paint, the application of Venetian plaster guarantees excellent breathability of the wall and helps to avoid accumulation of humidity
• anti-mould: as this product has a “smooth” texture, it helps to stop fungal growth even in areas where condensation tends to build up
• water-repellent: when Venetian plaster is waxed, it creates a barrier which completely protects the wall against water
With its many qualities, modern Venetian Plaster allows you to give your walls a distinctive look with different decorative effects. No wall will ever be like the next.
This immense scope for personalisation makes it the perfect solution for any interior-design project. When applied by hand, each Venetian-plastered wall changes according to the way it was applied, the brush stroke and the artistic flair of the painter and this makes for a unique unrepeatable effect.
Venetian plaster comes in an immense range of different shades.
Whether you opt for white or grey Venetian plaster for a classic marble-like effect or a more intriguing black Venetian plaster, it is the ideal way to create visual interest. You can pick from pastel neutral hues like dove grey, sandy yellow and grey which are perfect for covering extensive wall surfaces, to more vibrant shades, such as red, purple, blue, green or ochre yellow; then, there is even gold and silver which are great hues for completing decorative panels, niches and feature corners.
If you want to explore the colour potential of Venetian plaster, take a look at this article as well “Venetian plaster - the decorative paint that offers regal elegance”.
In the meantime, here are some ideas for decorating your walls.
Pearlescent-white Venetian plaster and matt-white Venetian plaster ideas
Light-coloured Venetian-plaster ideas
VALPAINT’s ROCOCÒ is one of the most versatile decorative effects in the collection of paints for interiors because it fuses historical heritage with modern appeal, catering for all our functional and aesthetic requirements.
The great advantage of this decorative paint is that the designer can choose whether to go for a historic look or create a modern aesthetic according to the interior-design project at hand.
But that's not all. VALPAINT has a vast range of plasters which caters for all decorative requirements:
This is possible thanks the decorator, who imparts the ultimate decorative effect of ROCOCÒ during the application process. So, your choice of colours and the way you apply the plaster is key and it is entirely up to you whether to go for classic charm or bold minimalism.
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