Pale, light, bright colours. Colours that evoke spring, nature, well-being and relaxation.
Pink, blue, green and yellow, but also beige and ivory: delicate and natural colours that can be used to decorate walls and furniture, or simply the furnishing elements and fabrics.
If you intend decorating your home with these colours, we propose 5 ideas for adding a touch of style thanks to the VALPAINT authentic Italian-made paints.
1) The brightness of Valsetin
The palette of the VALPAINT Valsetin decorative paint appearing in the Light Selection includes 6 light shades, thanks to the delicate metallic effect which can be combined creatively with coloured accessories.
This solution enhances the pastel colours and makes the environment appear brighter and larger. It is ideal for compact spaces.
2) The colours of moss - Rococò Stucco Veneziano and Grassello di Calce
A delicate greyish-green shade to be combined with wooden furniture. A highly delicate, elegant and, above all, relaxing tone-on-tone effect! The ideal style for rooms with large windows where nature’s green hues can mingle with the colours inside.
3) Between yellow and green: the Sabulador sand effect in the living room
In this setting the prevailing colours range from yellow to green: the wall features the delicate sand effect of Sabulador Ref. 463 D, which blends in perfectly with the fabrics. The ideal solution for a small living room.
4) Metallic lilac shades with Klondike Light
A decidedly glamour-inspired and delicate connotation, as the metallic effects assume the light colours of lilac; ideally combined with light-coloured furniture and neutral colours. The Klondike Light decorative paint offers a very broad pastel colour range, which can be supplemented with the SILVER or GOLD additive.
5) Delicate colours that are also resistant? Choose Sabula 2
You’ve opted for a pastel colour, perhaps the delicate Baby Blue shown in the picture, but are looking for a decorative paint that’s resistant and easy to apply? Sabula 2 is the right choice: this water-based decorative paint (for interiors and exteriors) creates a velvety aesthetic effect, and guarantees safety and excellent durability. In addition, it is very easy to apply by spraying.
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