CLASSIC. A single word with many different uses and interpretations.
Generally, a typical definition of “classic” refers to a paired-back style without accents, and which is perhaps a little boring. But is this what it really means?
Let's consider the world of interior design and architecture. We often refer to a design that follows guidelines of “timeless” or “enduring” style.
But in reality things are quite different.
Many of the concepts we associated with “classic” depend on the period in which we live. At the moment, ‘80s style could be considered classic. But in 2040? What will “classic” mean then? Probably style from the 2000s...
And if we talk about furniture pieces from the ‘70s (which is certainly classic) revived for the present day, we consider them as vintage. These pieces can be given a central role in a space, becoming a key feature that captures the attention.
In fact, ‘70s objects such as lamps, tables, chairs and other items can currently be found in all of the leading contemporary architecture and interior design magazines.
Sometimes classic becomes modern, and often even ultra-contemporary.
Wall paints: contemporary classic
The concept of “classic” also appears in the world of interior paints. Colours are influenced too, and are perhaps the aspect with the most widely varying definitions in terms of association with whichever historical period we are aiming to evoke.
Which are the classic colours for walls?
Clearly there is no single answer.
For a few years now, the classic colour for painting home interiors has been dove-grey and its various shades, but in the ‘70s/‘80s the classics were peach, yellows and all the different tones of these colours.
Perhaps the words of renowned Italian writer Italo Calvino can be borrowed for the world of decorative paints: “classic refers to that which relegates the noise of the present to a background hum, which at the same time it cannot exist without”.
Modern wall painting techniques: classic style for walls interpreted by VALPAINT
As a company that works alongside the world of architecture, VALPAINT's range includes a selection of water-based wall paints that can be both classic and, as we have discussed above, also contemporary.
These paint types include VALPAINT VALRENNA, VALSETIN 2 and POLISTOF.
Special Interior paints: VALRENNA
VALRENNA is a particularly elegant decorative paint with a soft finish and highly refined look and feel.
For general use it can be considered amongst our classic paints for interiors, particularly in certain shades, but combined with colours that suggest current trends it becomes truly contemporary.
Its key feature, a soft velvety finish, is also highly contemporary, with velvet used widely in the on-trend interiors and furnishings of the moment.
How do you give your wall an original look? Discover VALSETIN 2, our silk-effect paint!
VALSETIN 2 is a painting technique that creates a wonderful silky effect.
Amongst the various options for painting the home, VALSETIN 2 is certainly a perfect solution for an effect that, depending on the colour chosen, can generate a classic or highly modern environment.
The return to ample use of fabrics in interiors makes this product a natural choice when designing a space.
Special paints for interior use: decoration with POLISTOF, a fabric-effect paint.
POLISTOF is a polychromatic paint that fully embraces the decorative role.
The effect created is simply sublime:
• the polychromatic aspect combined with microcrystals creates stunning surfaces;
• colour takes on a more central role, working together with light and reflections;
• surfaces become almost impalpable.
Although POLISTOF is a classic paint for interior use, which has been in the VALPAINT catalogue for several years, this decorative effect allows it to be easily transformed into a modern paint that combines colour and light to decorate walls in a completely original way.
Curious to find out how? Read “Fabric-Effect wall paint: all the features of POLISTOF”.
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