Italy is full of beauty:
we notice it in the diverse landscapes, culinary and cultural traditions and see it very clearly in the architecture and historic buildings.
Today, all the traditions and artisanal crafts that make Italy so culturally fascinating are a precious source of inspiration - especially for those working in art and interior design.
This artistic vibrancy, which is sometimes expressed through independent channels, other times along parallel avenues or intriguing cross-contaminations, has over time forged a clear-cut cultural identity within Italy - an identity we cannot resist looking at even today.
The real challenge is to turn the “been done before” into a starting point to create new architectural pathways that not only speak to their time but which also fit harmoniously into the existing context of tradition and history.
METEORE 10 INTONACO is the perfect synthesis of this concept.
METEORE 10 INTONACO: past meets present with this plaster-effect paint
As a textured decorative coating that mimics the look of plaster, METEORE 10 INTONACO allows you to create indoor or outdoor spaces with a strong cultural identity and an elegant, sophisticated style.
• Thanks to the different surface finishes. METEORE 10 INTONACO comes in 4 different finishes, each with its own characterisation:
1) Spatula effect: this finish really brings out the natural feel of the product, with smooth surfaces characterised by a plaster-effect texture in the various shades available;
2) Scaled plaster effect: the aesthetic finish is a uniform surface in which a natural additive (mica flakes) create tiny fragments of light, which enhance the colour;
3) Render-set effect: a decorative finish made using a technique that leaves more coating on the decorative surface, highlighting the texture and creating a captivating chiaroscuro effect;
4) Brushed plaster effect: unlike the previous versions, which need to be done with a plasterer’s trowel, with this option the brush itself is the main feature. The surface has a smooth finish and a very natural feel.
• All this comes with a broad colour palette designed to give designers the opportunity to try more contemporary shades as well as the more classic hues.
Creating your plaster-effect wall
• New surfaces: use a suitable stucco to fill the wall where necessary. Once filled, sand the surface and apply a coat of PRIMER 1200, 30% diluted with water. Wait 4 hours at 20°C before applying METEORE 10;
• Old surfaces: remove any chipped or flaking paint and wash with a suitable soap. As a fixative, apply a coat of PRIMER 1200, 30% diluted with water. Wait 4 hours at 20°C before applying METEORE 10.
Spatula effect
• Apply two coats of METEORE 10 with the PV 43 stainless steel plasterer's trowel, making irregular strokes in all directions;
• Wait 8 hours at 20°C before applying the second coat;
• When the product is still wet, coat the surface using the trowel, again using irregular strokes, until you achieve the desired finish.
Scaled plaster effect
To use natural fragments to enhance the finish, you can add NATURAL FLAKES ADDITIVE to your pre-coloured, well-mixed METEORE 10. Use the following quantities: Litres 0.040 per 1 litre of METEORE 10 or 0.160 l per 4 l ,and 0.480 per 12 l of METEORE 10.
Render-set effect
• Apply one coat of METEORE 10 using your PV 43 stainless steel plasterer’s trowel, leaving a thickness of 2 mm of product;
• After coating a surface area of 1-2 square metres, go over the wall again using the trowel with firm dabs close together, to obtain an orange-peel effect;
• After 20 - 30 minutes at 20°C, which is when METEORE 10 starts to dry, spray some water using the PV 106 sprayer - this makes for a smoother finish with the plasterer's trowel.
Brushed effect
• Dilute METEORE 10 with 320 ml of water per 1 l;
• Apply two coats using the PV 09 brush and irregular strokes in all directions, without leaving any clumps of product.
• Wait 8 hours at 20°C before applying the second coat.
When applying METEORE 10 outdoors, the coated surface must be protected against the rain for 72 hours.
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