Sabulador has always been the most popular VALPAINT sand-effect decorative paint: it is easy to apply, and the visual result and duration are the strong points which make it so popular with appliers and also much in demand with customers.
VALPAINT has renewed its catalogue for 2017 and there is now a more contemporary presentation of Sabulador in line with the times: new settings, new emphasis on colours and larger tiles. The new catalogue is more versatile and even better suited to satisfying appliers' and customers' needs.
New settings
Sabulador is versatile enough for application in extremely different settings and the results are always attractive and elegant. Whether the setting is classic or contemporary, using Sabulador always adds character to any style.
More contemporary colours
The Sabulador colour range has not changed, but the focus is now on the more contemporary colours. The catalogue starts with the various shades of grey, from the lightest to the darkest, then moves on to the ochre and earth shades. There are also the classic Sabulador colours: the yellow and light-blue shades and the metallic effects.
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