VALRENNA 2 by VALPAINT, a new product of the Italian company leader in the production of decorative paints, ranks among the so-called “fabric effect” paints.
The product’s aesthetic properties endow the setting with a velvety and intimate effect typically associated with an elegant and refined concept. This is due to the special tactile quality of VALRENNA 2: the presence of pigments and special resins emphasises a tactile softness reminiscent of buckskin, leaving the decorated surfaces with an exquisite design.
This fabric-effect paint is thus highly suited to living rooms, bedrooms and hotel suites for emphasising a luxurious aesthetic impact devoid of affectation, combined with a refined design.
VALRENNA 2 fabric-effect paint: certifications and product safety
The aesthetic and performance characteristics of the special VALRENNA 2 fabric-effect paint combine to create settings that are aesthetically appealing but also highly comfortable to live in.
This also courtesy of a composition that is always attentive to the environment. To this respect, VALRENNA 2 is a product that:
• does not contain dangerous substances (FREE OF PAHs, APEO, FORMALDEHYDE and AMMONIA);
• is FORMALDEHYDE-FREE, in other words, it does not release formaldehyde into the environment;
• is VOC-LOW, meaning it is very low in volatile organic compounds, which are deemed responsible for certain air pollution effects and are dangerous to human health;
• is ranked among the Class A+ products.
Colour swatches and resistance of the VALRENNA 2 fabric-effect paint
As with all decorative paints, it is essential to observe all the manufacturer’s indications appearing on the product’s technical data sheets in order to achieve the same effects and colours shown in the colour swatches.
The swatch colours can be obtained through colour mixing. They have a high coverage per m2 (9-11 m2/l, which can vary in relation to the support and the application method) and reveal a matt buckskin-effect finish.
As for their resistance, once the hardening process is complete, a transparent film develops which provides good resistance to normal abrasion. The product can be washed 15 days after application (this operation must be carried out using a soft sponge wetted with water, by rubbing the surface gently to prevent marks and fading).
VALRENNA 2: how to prepare the application supports
VALRENNA 2 can be applied on various supports such as cement walls, plastered surfaces, gypsum, plasterboard, wood and iron. As with all decorative paints, also VALRENNA 2 requires a thorough preparation of the supports on which it will be applied to ensure optimal results.
To this aim, it is important to clearly distinguish between old and newly created supports:
1) Old supports
• Remove old non-adhering and chalking paint then wash the surface using water and suitable soaps.
• Subsequently, use a filler to repair the surface to be treated.
• Once dry, sand the surface.
• Next, apply PRIMER 400 to the filled parts only.
• After approximately 4 hours at 20°C, apply one coat of Primer 400 coloured and diluted 10–30% with water.
• If, however, the surfaces are intact and not chalking, apply a covering coat of Primer 400 coloured and diluted 10–30% with water. After 4 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of Valrenna 2.
2) New supports
• Use a filler to adequately repair the surface to be treated.
• Once dry, sand the surface and apply Primer 400 to the filled parts only.
• After approximately 4 hours at 20°C, apply one coat of Primer 400 coloured and diluted 10–30% with water.
• After another 4 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of Valrenna 2.
How to apply VALRENNA 2
After adequately preparing the support, the product can be prepared.
Before starting with the application, the decorative paint must be diluted 10–20% with water; use a paintbrush or scrubbing brush to apply 2 or more coats of the product as required.
To obtain the buckskin effect, proceed as follows:
• apply VALRENNA 2 using a paintbrush with short criss-cross strokes in all directions.
• After applying the product over a surface of about 1 m2, go over the decorated surface with a brush free of product, caressing VALRENNA 2 with brush strokes in all directions so as to let the buckskin effect emerge better.
• After about 5–6 hours at 20°C, apply the second coat of VALRENNA 2 using the same procedure described above.
The room temperature during application is an extremely important parameter for the successful outcome of the job, therefore the indications appearing on the product’s technical data sheet should be observed very carefully.
The care which the applicator must adopt throughout all phases, from the preparation to the actual application, is a necessary and sufficient condition to ensure that the final outcome reflects the product’s appeal and the desired aesthetic effect.
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