Decorative effects for walls: the elegance of VALRENNA 2, VALPAINT’s fabric-effect paint
To tell you about VALRENNA 2, the new special-effects wall paint created by VALPAINT, we thought that we would borrow the words of two undisputed “powerhouses” of the fashion world:
You get elegance when something matches its concept – Inès de la Fressange
Style is elegance, not extravagance – Giorgio Armani
These quotes perfectly sum up what VALRENNA 2 is about. Espousing Armani’s idea of elegance, we sought, on the one hand, to create a product that would stylishly take elegance to the nth degree, eschewing unnecessary frills; on the other hand, we strove to bring light to its simple colour scheme and tactile appeal.
The analogy between this decorative paint for interiors and these fashion-related concepts allows us to state with confidence that the new Valpaint product is in keeping with the latest trends without overdoing it and falling into the trap of ostentation.
Its strength lies entirely in its tactile feel which brings forth a softness that is not only apparent from its texture but regales other senses too. Surfaces become so “touchable” and “silken” that they could be likened to velvet or suede and are the ideal way to create plush, opulent and elegant settings.
How do you give your wall an original look? Discover the features of Valrenna 2
The conceptualisation of a decorative product is not only the seed which generates the design, it is the very core of the project. Once the concept has been perfectly clarified, the materialisation of the product is a natural consequence.
In the case of Valrenna 2, studies into this wall paint with special effects came from the idea of creating surfaces which are so soft to the touch that they feel like delicate refined fabrics. The aim was to make a decorative instrument which would elevate ordinary-looking surfaces, injecting them with a characterful feel without going overboard or getting carried away.
As a consequence, the aesthetics of Valrenna 2 are such that the product transcends time, going beyond the fashions of a given season. It is a distinctive paint for interiors that will defy the passage of time. Exuding extreme elegance, this stylish product will work with any interior design project.
Wall colour ideas: the palette of Valrenna 2
The colour palette of Valrenna 2 features highly sophisticated, elegant and contemporary hues which are bound to meet a vast array of colour requirements, from the most classic to the most modern. What makes this product so very timeless is the huge variety of shades available on the chart.
As we all know, for the fashion industry, much like for the sectors of interior design and interior architecture, colour trends change from year to year. There is a shifting landscape of shades which range from brighter hues to paler, more subtle tones.
According to Pantone’s colour guide, Illuminating Yellow and Ultimate Gray are the shades for the year 2021. Available in a variety of tones in the Valrenna 2 colour offering, both these shades come in a panoply of solutions that can be adapted perfectly to the “colour plan” of a given setting:
• grey is the colour of certainty, solidity and especially neutrality. It is to be found in codes 425A / 425C / 448C / 448D which fully encapsulate the concept of Ultimate Gray;
• yellow (in more discreet tones than the much-celebrated Illuminating) is to be found in colour codes 539C / 539D / 476D.
In addition to these acclaimed shades, the landscape of interior design will also be dominated by other hues throughout 2021:
• mint green, which Valrenna 2 perfectly embodies in codes 534C / 534D /442B / 442D;
• a hazelnut-vanilla, which shows all its delicacy in Valrenna 2 with codes 467D / 470C / 470D / 456A;
• navy blue, which is naturally expressed in codes 536A / 536 B / 536C.
Paints for interiors: VALRENNA 2, true style is a delicate thing
A combination of the vast array of shades available and its soft delicate texture means that VALRENNA 2 is a decorative paint which is perfect for creating elegant, distinctive and extremely stylish settings.
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