Soft to the touch, as the buckskin Valrenna is a water based paint composed of pigments and special resins
allowing to create decorative effects similar to the fabric. Soft and rich in nuances, the decorative effects
are extremely elegant and can be applied on many different surfaces such as cement, plaster, plasterboard
and other.
Valrenna is a delicate product, and it is advisable to apply it by the same application who begins the
application to avoid differences in effects and color. We recommend carrying out a color test before the
application because, compared to the catalogue, the shades can differ by 20-30%, even between one batch
and another.
Finally, as regards the application temperature must be between + 5 ° C and + 30 ° C.
In addition to the buckskin, Valrenna is available in shantung and linen versions. Each effect matches in
both modern and classic environments, giving, in both cases, an extremely refined atmosphere.
The decorative effects available can be made either with Valrenna Soft or with Valrenna Extra Soft, with the
difference that in the Extra Soft version the Valrenna is softer, softer to the touch and more in relief.
The decorated surface with Valrenna can be easily cleaned with a soft sponge and wet with water and
neutral soap.
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