POLISTOF is an exclusive polychrome decorative effect invented by VALPAINT, a leading Italian company in the design and production of paints for interiors and exteriors.
In this decorative paint, the boundary between polychrome paint and fabric-effect paint is very blurred, almost imperceptible.
This property emphasises the product’s aesthetic qualities:
• POLISTOF has distinctive chromatic features, further enhanced by the possibility of adding special micro-crystals (called L50) which make it appear even brighter;
• to the touch it has the delicate softness typical of velvety fabric or, alternatively, of denim in a special version of the product.
This fabric-effect paint can blend into any type of design style and is a crucial element when creating unique environments with a decidedly original character.
Modern settings, where light is extremely important, can be enhanced with luminous effects that POLISTOF is able to bring out. In more traditional solutions, this decorative paint is able to create a decidedly elegant tactile and chromatic impact. Moreover, its resistance to wear means that it can be used also in non-domestic environments subject to more intense flows of people as would occur inside homes.
Certifications and safety of POLISTOF fabric-effect wall paints
Its aesthetic properties and performance make POLISTOF by VALPAINT a special fabric-effect polychrome paint that can be used to create environments with a precise and carefully studied design for the utmost living comfort.
In addition, with its eco-friendly approach stemming from a carefully formulated composition that respects the environment, POLISTOF guarantees environments free of hazardous substances.
This fabric-effect decorative paint is a product that:
• does not contain dangerous substances: it is free of PAHs, APEO and AMMONIA;
• is FORMALDEHYDE-FREE, in other words, its level of formaldehyde emissions into the atmosphere is practically zero;
• is VOC-LOW, meaning that it is very low in volatile organic compounds, which are deemed responsible for certain air pollution effects and are dangerous to human health.
Colour swatches and resistance of the fabric-effect textured paint
As with all decorative paints, POLISTOF must be applied strictly according to the manufacturer’s indications appearing on the product’s technical data sheets in order to achieve the same effects and colours shown in the colour swatches.
The POLISTOF decorative paint by VALPAINT is made of special pigments and acrylic resins with a water-based solvent, capable of producing excellent mechanical resistance, a high degree of washability and safe environments at all times.
Both the velvety-effect version and the denim version feature a satin finish in line with current design trends.
The product’s coverage, for two coats of the velvety-effect and velvety-effect with micro-crystals (L50) finishes, hovers around 3.5–4 m2/l. For the denim effect, the coverage is 12–14 m2/l for the single-coat finish, and 4–5 m2/l for the two-coat finish.
POLISTOF: how to prepare supports for applying the fabric-effect wall paint
POLISTOF can be applied on various supports, including concrete walls, plaster, gypsum, plasterboard, wood and other surfaces, provided that they are very smooth, free of impurities and perfectly level.
Clearly, depending on the material on which the decorative product is applied, a connection cycle will be required beforehand to analyse and prepare the support.
The following operations must be performed on old and new supports:
• Remove old non-adhering and chalking paint then wash the surface using water and suitable soaps.
• Use a filler to repair the surface to be treated.
• Once dry, sand the surface.
• Apply PRIMER 400 to the filled parts only.
• After approximately 4 hours at 20°C, apply one coat of PRIMER 400 coloured and diluted 10–20% with water.
• If, however, the surfaces are intact and not chalking, apply a covering coat of PRIMER 400 coloured and diluted 10–20% with water.
• After 4 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of POLISTOF.
• Use a filler to adequately repair the surface to be treated.
• Once dry, sand the surface and apply PRIMER 400 to the filled parts only.
• After approximately 4 hours at 20°C, apply one coat of PRIMER 400 coloured and diluted 10–20% with water.
• After another 4 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of POLISTOF.
PLEASE NOTE: for all effects, with the exception of the denim effect, PRIMER 400 must be coloured with a similar shade to POLISTOF.
How is the POLISTOF fabric-effect wall paint applied?
The POLISTOF decorative effect can be applied after preparing the support as explained above.
Velvety-Fabric Effect
• Apply POLISTOF using the PV 95 Roller;
• when using a roller or brush, spread the product evenly across the surface, while trying to avoid creases from forming;
• apply frequent criss-cross strokes with the roller or brush and end with vertical strokes, completing the job without any interruptions;
• after approximately 6–8 hours at 20°C, apply the second coat of POLISTOF in the same way described above;
• when applying POLISTOF by spraying, dilute the product with approximately 10% water;
• use a spray gun with an upper tank and a 2.5 mm-diameter nozzle, pressurised to 3/5 atmospheres, at a distance of 30–50 cm from the surface;
• apply the first coat of POLISTOF using horizontal strokes, then after approximately 6–8 hours at 20°C, apply a second coat with vertical strokes making sure that the shade covers the surface evenly.
Velvety-Fabric Effect with L50
• Add L50 Col. 301 to any POLISTOF shade and mix thoroughly before applying the product either with a roller or by spraying, using the same application technique used for the Velvety-Fabric Effect.
Denim Effect (for small surfaces only)
• Add FINISH V16 and water to any POLISTOF shade and mix thoroughly;
• next, apply one coat of the Denim mixture using the Ceiling Brush Code 43, distributing the product as evenly as possible and passing over it with the brush immediately afterwards, pressing it hard while working from top to bottom, or inversely, to obtain the single-coat Vertical Denim Effect;
• after 3–4 hours at 20°C, apply a second coat of the Denim mixture evenly using the Ceiling Brush Code 43 and go over it again with the drained brush, pressing hard but this time from right to left, or inversely, to create the Criss-Cross Denim Effect (with two coats).
N.B: this effect must be created using the wet Denim mixture, therefore the application cycle must be completed without interruptions before the product dries. Use a fairly large container for pouring and thoroughly mixing all the products in the Denim mixture.
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