The VALPAINT range of professional paints offers 18 effects which will surprise you, from the tactile and visual point of view. We want in this post to introduce them to you, grouping them by type of effect.
Glitter and metallic effect
We begin our story with Klondike and Klondike Light. The special feature of these two decorative paints, among the most widely appreciated in the VALPAINT, is their oxidised metal effect. From the darkest and most striking colours used in Klondike, to the delicate pastel colours of Klondike light. You can have the most brilliant and lively colours with Arteco 7 Metal.
The glitter effects used in VALPAINT have a name: it is the additive Star, which is to be added to the decorative paints and is available in six colours.
Decorative paints with fabric effect
Very delicate and made for touching: in this group we tell you about the VALPAINT decorative paints which recreate the fabric effect. Polistof, depending on the way it is applied, can express the Shantung or Jeans effect, very beautiful for young environments and for children's bedrooms.
Valrenna, in delicate tones, and soft to the touch. You can choose how to apply it, to obtain the Renna, Shantung or Lino effect. If, however, you want the delicacy of silk, the decorative paint which will do it for you is Valsetin.
Substantial decorative paints
This category includes the decorative paints with three-dimensional effect. One of the most recent and well-received is Meteore 8, which with its changing effects enriches every space.
Mavericks, on the other hand, recreates the luminescent effect of reflections from water, a result which will surprise you.
For the sandy effect VALPAINT offers Sabulador, Sabulador Soft or the highly practical Sabula 2 which is applied by spraying.
Traditional decorative paints
If on the other hand you want more traditional decorative paints (even though the effects which you can achieve with the colours can be very modern) Rococò, VALPAINT's Venetian stucco awaits you, as well as the lime-based decorative paint Artecò 1 and the paint with the veiled effect Velidor Fine.
A special mention goes to Magic Light, the very special VALPAINT decorative paint which lights up the darkness!
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