New Romantic, Etnolusso, Neo Modernismo, Bio Minimal. During 2017, we have told you about 4 styles and how to create them by combining colours, furniture finishes and VALPAINT decorative paints.
Play with the colours and the fabrics and your own creativity. The 2017 Moodboard styles may be interpreted differently, to create an atmosphere which best reflects your personality.
But which are the styles which best represent 2017 and will continue to be popular over the coming years?
Nature encounters high-tech to create a relaxing and modern environment.
A new guise for luxury, unconventional and original, to live like a lord.
New Romantic
Northern European influences embrace the shabby style to create a minimalist romantic style.
Contemporary vintage combining different materials in dazzling colours.
VALPAINT decorative paints come into their own here. From Klondike Corten, to Sabulador, Mavericks to Meteore 10 Cemento, to name just a few, the colours add a personal touch to the mood of each environment, adapting it to different tastes and needs.
Browse the on line 2017 Moodboard and discover how to create your own style.
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