Can decorative paints be used in all environments or is it better to avoid them in a humid climate? Let us shed some light on that.
There are two types of humidity: the humidity inside walls, and humidity in the air.
If it is humidity in the walls, it is best not to apply decorative paints because the moist build up is due to negative pressure (or counterthrust). Water is trapped inside the wall and tries to evaporate through it, and will result in damaging the paint.
On the other hand, decorative paints may be used when the humidity is atmospheric. These paints can even be used in rooms that increase in humidity during the day, such as in a bathroom or in a kitchen.
For greater water-resistance, a special transparent coat will help protect the decorative paint against humidity. While decorative paints may be used in all rooms, it would be better to avoid walls with high water exposure such as in the bath and shower.
All professional VALPAINT decorative paints can be applied in kitchens and bathrooms, with the exception of Meteore 8. The fine and delicate pearly metallic paint of the Lamè in Meteore 8 is indeed not washable.
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