The days are warm and long, and there’s so much light. Come summer and the holiday mood naturally grows on you, so do the sea and the colours... And no doubt blue is one colour that symbolises summer.
So here’s bringing home the summer with the ‘ocean’ feel, even if it is far away: tips on how to decorate your walls in blue and match them with white furniture and fabrics.
Blue for the bedroom
The wall behind the bed, perhaps the most appealing wall in your bedroom to be painted in blue. Add decorative blue Mavericks to bring about a ‘sea-wave’ effect.
Decorate the living room with Blue
We love metallic blue (and you can even add a glitter effect with the Star additive) such as that of the VALPAINT Klondike Col. 428 A (a perfect contrast behind white sofas).
Shades of Blue for the bathroom
The most ideal room to portray the relaxing colour of Blue, would be perfect with the fabric-effect paint colour Polistof Col. 383.
As with most of VALPAINT decorative paints, Polistof can be used in humid environments, by simply protecting it with a special transparent paint.
Fluorescent blue
And finally, an idea for those who love bold colours: mix blue paint with Hollywood Azzurro 243 and you will have an intense and vibrant fluorescent blue. A perfect colour for teenagers’ bedrooms.
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