With its diverse forms and expressions, the industrial style has developed into a stable trend over the years and 2016 is no exception. Unsurprisingly, Moodboard – the VALPAINT tool designed to offer ideas, suggestions and inspiration – inserts this style in the furnishing and colour palette trends for 2016.
The industrial style trend emerged triumphantly in the past year. The trend continues into 2016 as this multi-faceted style reveals informal combinations and eclectic reinterpretations of the Loft Style, featuring vintage materials juxtaposed with industrial-style trends, colours and materials.
The outcome is decidedly radical-chic, with markedly contrasting colours and atmospheres.
VALPAINT decorative paints for recreating the Loft Style
To recreate the Loft Style we propose the following iconic VALPAINT decorative paints: Klondike and Klondike Light, Meteore 8 with its textured effect, Mavericks, and the classics Sabulador and Anticando.
Palette Mavericks
Palette Klondike
The chosen palette colours evoke industrial materials: rusted metals, greyish hues and orange hues.
For an enhanced industrial effect, choose the new addition for 2016: VALPAINT Klondike Corten, a paint which creates a rusted effect evoking the famous steel finish, suitable for both indoor and outdoor surfaces.
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